Door Signs

Door Signs

Our home is designed so that, aside from the dining room, kitchen, and lounge, all other rooms are located down a long hallway with identical doors. We've found that this uniformity, combined with our habit of keeping the doors closed, often confuses guests about which door leads to which room. So we thought it would be fun to start designing signs for the doors so that when we have guests over it would be easier for them to find the room they are looking for. 

We started on the two main bedrooms. For Calliope's bedroom because the whole theme is hot air balloon we decided to carry that on to her sign as well. And for Anthony and my bedroom of course it had to be MelonPickle.


  1. Once the door sign designs were finalized, we transferred them to Lightburn for cutting and etching with our laser cutter. 
  2. We then meticulously painted each letter on the signs to ensure they stood out prominently against the etched background.
  3. After carefully painting each letter, we applied wood glue to affix them securely to the background.

These initial signs mark the start of a project to label all doors in the hallway. As we progress, each sign will carry its own unique design, reflecting the purpose of the room beyond. It's a personal touch we're excited to extend throughout our home.


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